Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Glitter @ HotFreeLayouts.com
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well my baby turned five. so anyway i thought i would give a try at making her a cake LOL i am not a very patient person and i have always sucked at decorating cakes but i figured i would give it a go anyway LOL. so that is exactly what i did. she picked out the barbie that she wanted which of course was cinderella LOL. so i started the cake on wednesday and baked 3 9in cakes and layered them then on thursday i did the decorating. well i wasn't all that happy with the decorating but ohh well LOL and left it on the counter over night thinking that it would be okay. i got up friday morning and found some finger swipes on the front of the cake and a huge chunk taken out of the back. i was sooo heart broken it was unreal. i just wanted to cry but couldn't because dh was home and would have surely teased me LOL i mean after all it was just a cake. okay so i could have handled this numerous ways LOL first i could have accused one of the kids of doing it but how do i do that with no proof and we do have a rat in the house, i have seen him. he is quite big but still a baby LOL i could tell because his fur was still fluffy. so i wasn't sure if the rat did it or one of the kids. i was pretty sure that ashley didn't do it because she was heartbroken as well when she got up, she woke up earlier then normal LOL. she wanted her cake to be all pretty for her party so i really doubted that she did it. well i had no proof that dyllan did it so i decided to be like a straw and just suck it up and redecorate LOL. so that is what i did on friday morning. i was glad that i did because i really liked the way the second decorations came out. i thought it was much better then the first, although it still wasn't perfect which is annoying to the perfectionist LOL but ashley loved it and that is all that matters LOL. so i stuck the cake in the fridge to keep it safe from the rat LOL. so on saturday morning i took the cake out so that it could warm up and not ten minutes after it was out i noticed, when i walked by, that half of the frosting on the very very bottom had been finger swiped. I THEN KNEW WHO THE CULPRIT WAS, i called dyllan in and said "WHY DID YOU SWIPE HER CAKE?" (Note: to any parents out there, if you KNOW that your child did something, do NOT ask if they did it, ask them why they did it, see if you ask them if they did it then more then likely they will lie to you because they don't want to get into trouble, so DO NOT give them the opportunity to lie) Dyllan then replied "because it is sooo good" boy was i pissed off at that boy. i was soo hurt that he could do that after all of my hard work and after i had already re done it. my dh sent him to his room. then ashley wanted to play the nintendo which is in his room and so they started playing, i then went in there and told him that he owed ashley and i an apology and that since he was sooo disrespectful of me and ashley that when his bday came around ashley could swipe his cake the day of his party. that was the best that i could come up with without spanking his butt. which is what i wanted to do. then when auntie heather and uncle neils came over i told them what he did right in front of him and embarrassed the crap right out of him which was a great punishment because no child wants their auntie's and uncles and grandparents thinking bad of them. he then ran to his room and crawled into bed. he stayed there for about 15 minutes when i went in there i asked if he was going to come out he said "as long as you don't tell anyone" i said " then maybe you shouldn't have been so mean and selfish to do something like that on his sis's bday and been so disrespectful" he apologized again LOL i had seriously thought about not letting him have any cake what so ever but then ashley wouldn't have had a great bday because dyllan would have been upset. so i think that i handled it well LOL and i don't think that he will be doing THAT again.

anyway ashley had a great bday and she loved all of her presents. her grandma bonnie and grandpa jerry sent her 40 bucks and she bought a doodlebear and a little castle house thing, she still has about 15 bucks to spend. grandpa lyle and grandma sue got her a scrapbooking kit with paper, scissors, glue, die cuts and stickers, jason and i got her a bratz doll, uncle tom and shiplee got her a scoobydoo vsmile game to go with her vsmile, auntie heather and uncle neils got her a brand new bike and schelley and tom got her a scrapbooking stamp collection with inks and markers and her friend shon gave her 5 bucks. OVER ALL SHE HAD AN AWESOME BDAY. i will post more pics in my next post :D

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Friday, December 01, 2006

Glitter @ HotFreeLayouts.com
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okay update

so i had my dr's appointment today and apparently sometime in this last month or so i contracted mononucleosis. go figure LOL. he said that it was actually quite common and is a virus passed on like any other virus only this is through saliva. so i could have gotten it from someone coughing, sharing a drink, etc. he also said that ppl can have it and not even know it and that you can have it and not show symptoms. apparently it lasts 4-6 weeks and you show symptoms like a cold or worse. i never showed the cold like symptoms, just the fatigue. he also said that i probably was tired before that from stress and the hysterectomy that i had since i have been exhausted for a lot longer then 4-6 weeks. my thyroid looks good, only the t3 was slightly elevated but everything else was with in normal range. anyway it through me for a loop LOL since i had no idea of having mono LOL i mean how the hell did i get it, i guess from anywhere LOL who the hell knows. So anyway that is why i have been so exhausted lately, well that and stress and such. he also said that i should watch out for chronic fatigue syndrome because he said that mono can lead to that. okay LOL none of this explains my hair loss LOL although it has gotten better so that is good. sometimes i feel like i am just being a dork, which is why i don't go to docs LOL.

okay have i said that my hip has been poppin out LOL yes i feel like i am getting old LMAO. anyway when i was a baby, 2 yrs old i had to wear those braces from the knees to the shoes for being pigeon toed, anyway i have always been able to pop my right hip out, which never hurt and i quit doing the popping thing when i was in my very early twenties. well in my twenties my hips hurt, so i went to the doc and she said i had arthritis LOL go figure. anyway my hips hurt periodically and such, well lately, like over the past five months, my right hip started popping out on its own and talk about pain. i would scream it would hurt so bad. it would only hurt for a couple minutes. well then my hip started doing this a few times a day. just moving my foot from the gas pedal to the break pedal would pop my hip out and send me into excruciating pain. now it is at the point that it does this when ever i turn my foot to the side or what have you. anyway, i hate talking to docs about this because i feel like a big ole whiner LOL but my mom said that given my braces that i had to wear when i was a baby and such that my hip probably isn't sitting in my socket right etc etc kinda like hip dysplasia or what have you. so i decided to talk to him about this and he is ordering exrays and if that doesn't show anything then he will order a catscan and go from there. i don't feel like i am just whining to him LOL i talk to my hubby about this and he knows that i am not whining and my sis knows and so does my mil. i just get so weirded out by docs LOL especially when i know that other ppl have it worse then i do kwim? anyway my hips have given me problems for quite sometime and i guess its about time i do something about it LOL. thanks for listening